The first day starts with a procession of the townsfolk dressed up in medieval costumes starting in the Piazza di Sopra and finishing in the Piazza di Sotto. There are blessings in the Cathedral of S. Rufino and the Basilica of S. Francesco.Later in the afternoon the flagthrowers (sbandieratori) demonstrate their skills in the Piazza del Comune. The bells ring out and the Maestro del Campo assumes his soverign powers! Later there is a crossbow challenge between the two factions of Assisi.
The second day is devoted to the crowing of the Madonna del Primavera, the Maid of Spring. There is another medieval procession and medieval games including archery and tug of war.
The afternoon of the third day sees the challenge between both factions of Assisi with both groups in medieval dress processing into the the Palazzo del Comune for the results followed by a procession down to the Piazza Santa Chiara. Later there is the presentation of the Palio.
A really beautiful event, where much care has gone into the detail, the costumes, the reenactment of past times. If you get chance come and see for yourselves.
The self catering apartment at Villa Bastiola is available for weekly rental (www.villabastiola.com) and is within an easy 40 minute drive to Assisi. New parking has been put in place at Assisi with lifts and escalators to take you up to the main town. It couldn't be easier to enjoy this special event especially with the new terminal open at Perugia International Airport.
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