Friday, 10 February 2012

Gubbio, Umbria - Festivals & Events

Festa dei Ceri - 15 May 2012
Gubbio, one of Umbria's most interesting medieval towns sees the race of the ancient "Ceri" (Candles) through the tiny cobbled streets and up the mountainside to the church at the top. There is a fabulous atmosphere and it's wonderful to see all generations join in the celebrations.  The Eugubines are called the "Matti d'Italia" and you can see why at this amazing festival!

Palio della Balestra - 29 May 2012

Dating back to medieval times, the town of Gubbio has always been in competition with the town of Sansepolcro, just over the border in Tuscany, to see who has the best crossbow archer. This "Palio" or competition is held between the two teams and a challenge match is held in Sansepolcro in September.

The famous sbandieratori are also present and a serious flag-throwing demonstration heralds the beginning of the competition.

Both these events take place within a fortnight at the end of May.  It's a great chance to visit Umbria and enjoy some of the rich culture of the area and join in the fun with the locals.

The apartment at Villa Bastiola is just 40 minutes away so it's perfect for a day trip.  There are some excellent restaurants and trattoria there too not to mention the incredible remains of a Roman ampitheatre.

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